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Amazon gives front-line workers a $500 coronavirus bonus

2020-06-29 17:54 by
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Workers at Amazon on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic will receive bonuses up to $500 as the internet giant phases out extra hourly pay and double overtime paid earlier during the pandemic.

The one-time bonus amounts vary. The company will pay full-time warehouse, Whole Foods and delivery workers a $500 bonus. Part-time workers will receive a $250 bonus, while Flex drivers who deliver packages for Amazon will receive $150 if they worked more than 10 hours in June. Whole Foods store managers will get a $1,000 bonus, and owners of Amazon's third-party delivery services will get a $3,000 bonus.

In early June, Amazon ended the $2-an-hour hazard pay it had begun for front-line employees in late March. Coronavirus has continued to spread in Amazon’s warehouses, including in Minnesota and California. Given that Amazon pulled in $75.5 billion in revenue in the first quarter alone, one could say this is literally the least the company could do.

Amazon, the second-largest private US employer after Walmart, pays its fulfillment center workers a $15 minimum hourly wage and offers superior benefits when compared to some major competitors. But many of the company's workers still say they are struggling to stay afloat, and they have such limited work options that they keep showing up to sort, pack, and deliver shipments for Amazon even as they fear the company isn't doing enough to keep them safe during a global health crisis.

Read more -here-


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